What a night! (First Vision post)

What a night. I read again Joseph Smith’s account of a special night when he was visited 4 times by an angel. Why four times? Not sure, except with just one visit, it could have been easy for him to discount it as a fluke. With four visits with repeated messages — it would be harder to discount. What I thought was really cool this week was a thought I had about that awesome night!

Wow, Joseph had an amazing night. But just think of Moroni! He had a cool night, too. He got to be the one to speak to Joseph four times about the Book of Mormon — which he had protected for so long. I just imagine him thinking, “Wow, I finally get to tell someone about the book I protected and buried so long ago.” He must have been excited to see the fulfilling of the Lord’s promise to bring the book back at a later time. Now, it was time!

It was fun to think of a different perspective on that night. Joseph surely had a lot to learn about the gospel and the spirit – but what great teachers he had!

3 Replies to “What a night! (First Vision post)”

    1. Let me know any ideas you may have for this blog. I’m hoping to post enough interesting things that our grandchildren enjoy the reading and activities I hope to add (once I figure it out).

  1. I’m making my comment again because it’s not showing. Great perspective on Moroni’s joy in this process. I’m sure he couldn’t wait for Joseph Smith to get ready to need him.

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