A Lesson from the First Vision

God appeared to an audience of one – because a boy asked

We are just getting ready to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Restoration of the Gospel.  Just in that phrase there is so much to ponder and learn.  But I want to share some of the things I have been learning as I’ve studied the Restoration.  The restoration was not just a restoration of a church but was and is still a restoration of people. 

JSH 1:10 we see the people in a “war of words” and a “tumult of opinions” If you will listen to what is going on in the news and even in your classrooms, we are in a war of words with a tumult of opinions.  What did Joseph do?  He read in James 1:5 (v.11) that anyone can ask God questions.  He pondered on this scripture for a time, then decided the only way he was going to receive answers was to ask. This was an inexperienced boy who had never before prayed out loud (v. 14).  In verse 16 and 17, we see that God and His Son showed up for an audience of one – a young boy with a desire to know the truth, kneeling in the woods. 

God shows up for us – individually and in the place we are.  Often in our normal places!  This is one of the truths of the restoration.  There is a God in heaven, and He cares about each one of us, in our real lives. 

God has shown up for me many times.  Sometimes I don’t recognize it until later, but He always shows up.  He knew I needed a friend, so He planted Gayla and her family right across the street from us.  He protected me on several occasions even when my bad choices would have gotten me in trouble.  He planted your Grandpa in my path so I could eventually have an eternal family.  In all of our moving, I have learned things and have gotten to know many good people who have taught me what following the Savior looks like (and some who taught me what a mistake it is to not follow the Savior).  He showed up for me every day when I was sick.  In my hard times and in my joyous times – well, all of my times – The Savior of the world and the God of the universe has been there just for me – for an audience of one. 

He will be there for you, too – I promise!